Release Date
19 June 2015


Directed by
Pete Docter

Writing credits
Not Announced

Amy Poehler | Bill Hader | Mindy Kaling

Inside Out Movie Still

Plot (source: IMDb)
A film told from the perspective of the emotions inside the mind of a little girl.
Popularity Meter
7 on 10

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One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Pixar finally broke out of the Pixar mold. Toy Story, Monsters, Bugs LIfe, Cars, etc, were feeling like the same basic story just with a different looking set of characters. Inside Out still has some of the classic Pixar moves, but they added some nice original moves to make this feel like something new.

    While I give it a 10, it is not perfect, but it is one of the best animated movies in years. Yes, the ending is predictable, but how they got to that ending is not. It is a well thought out universe with characters you can love.

    If you love Pixar movies, this is a must see. If enjoy animated movies, very good chance you will really enjoy this. If you love mindless violent animated humor, skip this.

    Watch InsideOut Movie Online Free

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